The most common causes for missed backups have been listed below:


The client machine was shut down or in hibernation mode at the start time of the scheduled backup.


Make sure the machine is powered on or not hibernated at the scheduled backup start time.


The client machine is not connected to the network, thus no access to the backup server.


Test network connectivity and ensure the connection is stable.



Firewall settings have been changed on the client machine or network.


Edit the firewall settings to allow the OBM client to connect to the CBS server via HTTP and HTTPS.



The scheduler service for the backup agent is not running.


Try restarting the OBM services and see if the next scheduled backup can be resumed (Online Backup Manager Services - service account).



The login password for the backup agent has been updated recently either through CBS user web console, or through the client agent on another machine using the same user account.


Login to the backup agent on the affected client machine to refresh the settings.



The Windows login password has been recently updated.


Update the password for this backup set in “User Authentication for Windows” through the client agent.


If you have checked all of the above and are still having issues, please attach a copy of the scheduler log file to a new support ticket. The scheduler logs can be found in the following directory: C:\Users\*username*\.obm\log\Scheduler\.